balast. balast (niskonjem. Ballast < skandinavski barlast ), teret kojim se opterećuje brod radi poboljšanja stabilnosti i postizanja povoljna gaza pramca i krme (pijesak, kamen, otpadno željezo, lijevano olovo, voda u posebnim tankovima). Hrvatski obalni jedrenjaci često su kao balast uzimali kamen vulkanskog podrijetla s otočića Brusnika.
DetailsBallast and de-ballast operations on the ship must be carried out by an experienced and responsible officer as it is directly related to the stability factor of the ship.. A ballast system may differ from ship to ship but the basics of all ballast systems remain the same; filling, removing, and transferring water from one tank to other to get the required …
Detailsčeština: ·(řidčeji) odhoditelná zátěž v horkovzdušném balonu, lodi či letadle (původní význam)· neužitečná, překážející věc· (přeneseně) nesmysl, hloupost Podle právníka Aleše Rozehnala jde o „Babišův diskreditační a rádoby protikorupční verbální balast".[1]·angličtina: ballast, dead weight francouzština ...
DetailsLight Bulbs. Ballasts/Drivers. Christmas. Electrical. Rope/Tape Light. Exit/Emergency. Contact. Don't let that flickering light send you into a panic. Before you trash that bulb, consider checking for these common signs and causes of ballast failure.
Detailsezilmiş ve aşağılanmışlar. başta çevrenizin bunlarla dolu olduğunu anlar güler, sonra sizin de aralarında olduğunuzu anlar daha çok gülersiniz. ya da belki ağlarsınız o size kalmış. dostoyevski nin türkçe'ye ilkin ezilenler olarak çevrilen kitabının orijinal başlığının birebir çevrilmiş hali. iletişim ...
DetailsWebBalastlı Üstyapı Tabakası. Daha düşük yapım maliyetli, Yüksek esneklik, Düşük bakım maliyetli, Gürültünün daha az olması, Kurplarda sınırlı yanal direnim olması, …
DetailsThe ballast in your lighting system controls the current flowing to the fluorescent light and supplies the voltage required to turn them on. The ballast is a device that takes in electricity and then regulates the current flowing through the bulbs. This is why a degrading fluorescent ballast will cause the lights to flicker.
Detailsbal a st, balasturi substantiv neutru. 1. Încărcătură de apă sau de nisip care asigură stabilitatea navelor sau ajută la reglarea înălțimii zborului unui aerostat. 1.1. Compartiment etanș al unui submarin care se umple cu apă pentru a asigura scufundarea acestuia. 1.2. figurat Ceea ce este împovărător, nefolositor.
DetailsBine ați venit pe e-Balast. Ne adresăm firmelor din domeniul construcțiilor dar și persoanelor fizice care construiesc în regie proprie. Oferim la prețuri foarte avantajoase și corecte, nisip, pietriș, balast șî alte agregate de balastieră. Transportam până la șantierul dumneavoastră și emitem factură. Contact.
DetailsBallasting or de-ballasting is a process by which sea water is taken in and out of the ship when the ship is at the port or at the sea. The sea water carried by the ship is known as ballast water. Ballast or ballast water is sea water carried by a vessel in its ballast tanks to ensure its trim, stability and structural integrity.
DetailsBalast (electricitate) Pentru articole omonime, consultați Balast . Termenul de balast se referă la orice componentă electrică utilizată pentru a limita curentul într-un circuit electric. Un balast poate lua forma unui rezistor de serie simplu ca și pentru tuburile fluorescente de mică putere. Pentru aplicații cu putere mai mare ...
DetailsBallast performs the following functions –. Transfers the load from the sleepers to the subgrade and then distributes it uniformly over a larger area of the formation. Holds the sleepers in position and prevents the lateral and longitudinal movement due to load transfer. Imparts some degree of elasticity to the track.
Detailsgeminin bir tarafından diğerine taşınabilen balast: 104: Marine: freshen ballast v. gemiyi dengede tutan malzemeleri kaydırmak: 105: Marine: freshen ballast v. gemiyi dengede tutan malzemeleri eski haline getirmek: 106: Marine: ballast a vessel v. gemiye safra koymak: 107: Marine: in ballast trim adj. (gemide) yalnızca safra olan: 108 ...
DetailsFréquence d'apparition du mot « balast » dans le journal Le Monde. Source : Gallicagram. Créé par Benjamin Azoulay et Benoît de Courson, Gallicagram représente graphiquement l'évolution au cours du temps de la fréquence d'apparition d'un ou plusieurs syntagmes dans les corpus numérisés de Gallica et de beaucoup d'autres bibliothèques.
DetailsBallast. Ballast is used for many types of building applications and consists of a special blend of products ready to use as it is or can be mixed with other materials. Ballast is usually mixed with water and other aggregates to make a much stronger material. At B&Q our ballast bags are available in bulk bag and large bag format, both of which ...