The steam reforming of methane (SRM) is a widely used industrial process for hydrogen production. Even though SRM is an old process, but due to its commercial importance, a number of recent investigations have analysed this reaction to further improve its efficiency [1,2,3].To understand the process and model the reactor, it is essential to …
DetailsAbstract. - This study redesigning the packaging by using Kansei Engineering methods. Design elements on this research that the packaging soybean derived from the ideas of researchers and manufacturers are guided by Kansei Word. Data collection was performed on all consumers soybeans that will be designed packaging. Sampling was done by ...
DetailsModel busana yang dipilih juga harus menyesuaikan lokasinya. Beberapa pedoman pemilihan desain busana untuk rekreasi, di antaranya. 1) tidak banyak menggunakan variasi; 2) bahan yang dipilih mudah menyerap keringat; 3) bahan dibuat agak longgar untuk memudahkan bergerak; dan 4) pilihan warna yang cerah.
DetailsPada desain rinci: survai seismic diperlukan untuk melengkapi data yang diperoleh pada tahap desain awal. o. b. Pemboran Pemboran diperlukan untuk mengetahui secara langsung kondisi geologi di calon lokasi bendungan, bangunan pelengkap dan sumber galian. Pemboran dilakukan menggunakan "rotary core drilling" dengan diameter mata …
DetailsApa itu: Desain ulang pekerjaan (job redesign) adalah tindakan untuk mengatur ulang dan merestrukturisasi peran tugas, dan tanggung jawab yang melekat pada pekerjaan tertentu. Itu bisa melibatkan rotasi pekerjaan, pengayaan pekerjaan, dan perluasan pekerjaan (job enlargement).Itu bertujuan untuk membuat pekerjaan lebih …
DetailsThis new edition of the best-selling Case Study Research has been carefully revised, updated, and expanded while retaining virtually all of the features and coverage of the Second Edition. Robert Yin's comprehensive presentation covers all aspects of the case study method--from problem definition, design, and data collection, to data analysis and …
DetailsIn this problem, strings start with a number of a's followed by the number of b's. there may be two cases. number of a's are greater than the number of b's, so we can assume that i) number of a's are equal as number of b's and after that we have to generate at least one extra a in the string so productions are S--> aSb | A A--> aA|a
DetailsBotol Musik in Makassar is a entertainment space as karaoke room and lounge bar that has been established since 15 years. Botol Musik requires a new design concept for keep the visitors ' satisfaction so as not to get bored with the old interior design and it is expected that Botol Musik has its own brand as a corporate identity that will make ...